Being Creative Means Being Playful

This is an ink drawing (with colored pencil) from one of my many, many sketchbooks. Allowing for time to draw everyday in a playful way opens us up to our creative power and serves as a portal to the unexpected in the way of ideas, realizations and higher consciousness. Really, being playful while drawing does that? Yes, it does. The issue is most people don’t feel playful while drawing because they feel like the drawing has to be “good” and so they are listening to an inner critic who stops that process from unfolding. This is why I teach people to draw freely, a method I call “stream drawing”, a way of accessing stream of consciousness while drawing. It is very simple, and fun and well worth trying! For example, look at this stream drawing below. I saw in it a penguin w/ an egg, and colored it in (not shown). You might see something different–maybe it is a hummingbird hovering near a flower? Turning it around, there is many other ways to see this image. 

Epic Spring II: Our Choices and Destiny

Earth Changes Series/Pole Shift: Epic Spring II

This new painting in the series is currently at Art/Place Gallery in Fairfield, CT. In the meditative state I entered painting it, I felt that swell of momentum reminding me of great ocean waves. Even stepping just a few feet into the breaking waves, there is a power so tremendous, so epic. And when we are subjected to the tide, we succumb to it. We may play with it, but it is with the understanding that the force within each crashing arc of salt water, there is incomprehensible power. We in your physical form are but a moment of time upon a shore that raged thousands of years before we were present, and this same rising and falling, according to its attraction to the moon and the sun, will breathe in and breathe out long after we are all gone in our current form. White horses run toward us, crashing at our feet, as we stand in “the tide of time and light” as it says in the Siddur. Our time is upon us with each wave, our choices and destiny.

Time and Thought Are One

Detail of a painting in progress/Earth Changes Series

Listening to an Ekhart Tolle meditation, he spoke of the way we allow our thoughts to define our sense of self, which usually involves incompleteness: “I will be happy when…” etc. The future seems to hold everything we think would somehow make us okay, yet the future never arrives.

For a meditation, imagine your thoughts as one with time. Close your eyes and “be there”–be in and with whatever you love, whatever you like–in your thoughts. Don’t imagine yourself withheld from that which you desire or idealize. Embody it to bring the energy of it unto yourself now. We don’t have to give the illusion of future all our power. 

Intuitive Stream Drawing Sessions

Detail of a recent intuitive stream drawing done on behalf of a client

The reason why I do intuitive stream drawing sessions is because this creative stream-of-consciousness method supports an inner dialogue, not the loop of endless worries or pain-filled memories, but an awareness of why we do what we do, and in becoming more conscious, we are more likely to strike out doing what is best for us, what our “soul purpose” is. In other words, to live abundantly and fully the life we would most like to live. In this detail of a recent stream drawing I did for a client, I saw the infinity symbol (#8 on its side) and when I see that, for me that drawn line configuration is the symbol of soul purpose. I saw a large central #8 and then (to the right) a smaller one zooming in as if to say, “Time to start that NEW purpose” and I communicated this to the client. Over and over in this drawing there were similar messages with the theme: “It is time to start doing what you’d most love to do. Seek it, find it, create it! What you’ve done so far you’ve done well and it taught you well, but it is now time for that NEW thing that allows you to actually express the creative you that you are.” I urged her to start looking on line for corporations more open to her artistic background and essential creative streak which had suffered somewhat amongst people who could not and never would appreciate her unique expressions. (We often choose jobs that mirror a lack of acceptance we felt at home in early life, unconsciously trying to heal that old wound). She left saying she’d start looking. She called the next day to say she’d had a shock–her job was terminated. She did not need to be reminded that her spiritual knowing already had that insight, the new new was upon her and she didn’t really need me to tell her, life was telling her. But the fact that she came to me for help with it, for me, is a sacred privilege. (see MAKING MARKS: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing)


Earth Changes Painting Series: Pole Shift/Amplitude

From the Earth Changes painting series, Pole Shift/Amplitude  acrylic on canvas 36″x36″

This painting recently sold at Art/Place Gallery in Fairfield, CT. The series of work is based on our changing and turbulent times, as foretold by Native Americans (long before “white man” came to shore) and more recently, Edgar Cayce, known as “The Sleeping Prophet” in the early to mid-20th century. My intention with creating these paintings is to envision our polarized society closer to harmony, even while extreme weather and events in nature suggest the magnetic pole shift is heavily underway. Can humans harmonize, demonstrate compassion and conscious action, even when nature is extreme and dangerous? Do we effect nature just as much as it may impact us? To learn more about pole shift, which Cayce predicted long before the idea of it was taken seriously, go to NASA.

New Work: Girl and Uncles

A new painting, Girl and Uncles, is now at Art/Place Gallery in Fairfield, CT through April 9th 2017

I don’t often directly paint dreams, though I am continually inspired by my dreams. This particular dream was so soothing and wonderful, I wanted to capture its essence at least. In the dream, there was a girl sitting on a velvet chair in a living room with soft off white, feathery carpet. The floor was hilly! And it made perfect sense somehow. Soft, feathery shadows of trees and things danced across the hilly floors. The girl had two uncles, and both were busy making the home lovely for her. It was a magical dream.



Detail of a recent painting/ Elaine Clayton 2016

When we come together, something happens. Have you felt that synergy–the feeling of joining with others and a momentum begins? This happens especially when we connect with the intention to create out of a sense of love and goodness for the world.


Detail of a recent painting in progress

Detail of a recent painting in progress

When loved ones die, we kind of tilt our heads upward and ask them to look out for us, thinking they’re up there in heaven where they can help us down here. And that is true, they can, and they do. Yet there is another thing unfolding. In Jewish Mysticism (which I fell in love with in my early twenties, or before really) there is a teaching that we actually have a large impact on those who have come before us and died before us.

How do we impact them? On earth, where there is a lot of contrast, pain and suffering, we are given a chance to expand God’s knowledge through our experiences, and then bring love, forgiveness and understanding into these painful situations. And when we bring love into sorrow or healing into injury, we not only help ourselves and people involved with us here in our lives (and often many we don’t know we are impacting) we help our loved ones and ancestors who have already died by increasing the Presence of Love. Yes, that’s right–our choices help them. And they’re rooting for us!

Our learning and expansion never ends. God is a great creator and the expansion of knowing and loving never stops.So when you forgive, you eventually do it to save your own self so you’re not miserable and unhappy, but realize too that you do that for your parents, grandparents and so forth. ALL will benefit from it, not just ourselves alone or the ones directly involved in the situation!


Is there an animal you especially relate to? When my kids were little, I related to bears because mother bears are so protective of their young. I have always been completely enthralled with bald eagles. I love horses. And lions. And…

Try doing a stream drawing and see what animal pops up. This morning, I got dog (and I featured this drawing in today’s newsletter–please subscribe to receive the images I send out with the intention to inspire, support and celebrate you/me on our life’s crazy, wild ride). Dog symbolizes trust, loyalty, unconditional love and companionship. Who is worthy of my trust? Am I trustworthy?

Oh–and a blue jay showed up–I love them. They’re fierce birds, aren’t they? I have to look up meanings for blue jay. If you know, let me know!



A recent Spirit Painting
commissioned by a client 2016 copyright Elaine Clayton

Yesterday I painted a childhood scene, above. I was born and lived on the flat plains of the Texas Panhandle until I was about 10 years old. The land may be flat out there (oh yes, it defines “flat”), but the sky is multi-dimensional and ever changing. Clouds build in fathoms moving upward, their color and shape spectacularly mounting and powerful. Shadows from the clouds move like vast omens across the land at times. And when rain came, I remember running from it with other children in summer time, until at last, the cloud full of rain caught up with us, and giant round drops of warm water made dark circles on dry dirt, or on paved roads. The sky gave what the land did not–a particular elevated and hopeful, colorful, mysterious bounty. Where the land was austere, silent and seemingly ungiving for the most part, the sky was overly generous, entertaining and voluptuous. The wind was it’s agent, whirling up dust devils and making the songs of ghosts, the way it could howl an eerie song on some days. It brought jagged looking and well-beat tumbleweeds passing by. They seemed like roaming story tellers who happened along, and somewhat like victims of circumstance. The sky knew where they had been before. I grew up expecting the sky to tell me something. I learned to look at the clouds for information and guidance. The intuitive kind of knowing that comes from feeling inspired by the brilliance in nature is what I”m talking about here, the way sky communicates that which we ought to have recognized anyway, but need prompts and reminders. Gentle and sometimes dramatic. I believe the sky is “the veil” between us and heaven, and it symbolizes our ability to know intuitively and to quietly observe things which we need unveiled. It is like doing a tea reading, but instead of looking down into a tea cup, you just look up instead.